Plasmage Treatment Dubai by Serenity Clinic : Plasmage is a wonderful exciting medical device for non – invasive micro surgery. It works by delivering plasma energy, generated by the ionisation of gas in the air, onto skin tissue to sublimate or shrink that tissue to result in tightening or lifting of the skin or removal of unwanted lesions.
Plasmage Treatment By Serenity
Plasmage Treatment Dubai Marina
Best Plasmage Treatment Dubai
Plasmage Dubai Marina
Plasmage is a new, exciting device for medical aesthetic treatments. Using Plasma Energy technology, Plasmage treats a variety of difficult areas with minimal downtime and pain. For patients, the device offers an alternative to the daunting prospect of surgery.
Plasmage uses patented Fractional Plasma to sublimate delicate tissue areas with minimal side effects. Plasma sublimation is a revolutionary treatment that requires no cutting of the skin, and often no injectable anaesthetics.
The visible results are similar to those seen with surgery, but without the need for a single cut or stitch, this non-invasive device for micro-surgery has pre-set treatment protocols to ensure procedures are both effective and safe.
Plasmage is the only device to use fractional plasma meaning that it will not go above the pre-set temperatures during treatment.

Hooded Eyes
Many people are concerned with excess skin around their eyes which is often seen as an ageing and tired look. Plasmage has been developed as the only alternative to surgical blepharoplasty, the procedure removes the excess skin and treats the hooded eye with a procedure we call Blefaroplasma.
Plasmage uses plasma energy, to remove excess tissue from around the eye by a process called sublimation, the plasma tip is held 1-2mm away from the surface of the skin, and multiple shots are delivered to the treatment area close together. If the tip does touch the skin, most devices will cut out straight away, to stop any injury. However, you are likely to feel heat and discomfort in the treatment area, but treatment will only last between 10 – 60 minutes depending on the size of the area being targeted.
What Treatments are offered
Plasma sublimation is a soft surgery method that has a very wide range of rejuvenating treatments, and can improve a number of skin complaints. This soft surgery method can be used for:
Eyelid rejuvenation, including reducing the appearance of baggy lower and upper eyelids, as well as removing fine lines.Treating a variety of skin imperfections, including pigmentation marks, moles, sun spots, warts, skin tags and fibromas.Face, brow and neck lifts.Improving the appearance of smoker’s lines around the mouth.Tightening sagging skin.Resolving outbreaks of active adult acne, as well as acne scarring.Improvement in the appearance of scarring, including post-surgery scars, and stretch marks.

What should you do after Plasmage Treatment
You are likely to feel a burning sensation after treatment, but that will usually disappear in the space of a few hours. If it does persist an anti-inflammatory, such as ibuprofen is recommended. A cold compress should provide significant and immediate relief for the swelling, but an antihistamine will help if it is particularly uncomfortable.
Results can be seen immediately after your treatment, but you will see even more improvement approximately 8 weeks post treatment. The optimum result occurs between 5 – 6 months after your treatment. A full consultation and assessment will be carried out prior to any treatment and an individual treatment plan developed to meet with your specific needs.
Plasmage is suitable for the treatment of:
- Drooping eyelids
- Smoker’s lines and lip lines
- Crow’s feet and laughter lines
- Sagging skin on the neck line
- Wrinkles in front of the ears
- Fine lines on the cheeks
- Acne and acne scarring
- Benign moles and age spots
- Skin tags
- Xanthelasma (yellowish bumps around the eyes)
- Stretch marks

Non-surgical eyelid correction
Drooping eyelids are part of the natural aging process, but can result in a fatigued appearance or make your eyes feel tired and heavy. Hooded eyes can also make you look older. It’s a common problem that’s typically resolved via surgery.
Your skin will appear moderately smoother and tighter directly following treatment. And, as plasmage actively stimulates collagen and elastin production in the skin, your results will continue to improve for up to three months after treatment.
Plasmage specialist
The serenity Clinic specialises in plasmage treatments. We assess whether your condition is suited to this particular procedure during your personal intake session. Our clinic offers a wide range of treatments and we can also discuss additional options or alternatives. Plasmage therapy is safe and poses minimal risk. Keen to learn more about the various possibilities? Then make an appointment for a non-committal consultation.