Skin darkening after laser hair removal

Skin darkening after laser hair removal

Skin darkening after laser hair removal as a temporary and short -term complication, especially in people with clear skin color.

Certainly, every woman likes to have a smooth, transparent hair -free body. Laser is definitely the best alternative to body correction methods. Is laser hair removal hazardous? No!

Laser eliminates at least 2 % of the body’s hair. In fact, laser is a permanent way to remove excess body hair (all areas of the body).

But the removal of excess hair using a laser has certain needs and shoulders. Observing the principles of laser hair removal prevents skin darkening. Follow us on to discuss important things about the cause of the body’s darkness after the laser and the ways to treat darkness.

Darkening of the skin after the laser

Darkening of the skin after the laser

Laser hair removal is a safe, permanent and effective effect. Since laser is known as a non -invasive way to eliminate hair removal, it is popular with many people around the world.

In fact, lasering may be associated with mild and short -term complications, including the darkening of the skin after laser hair removal.

The process of laser body is a non -complicated process. But it is likely that the skin of the body will be itching, burning and burns due to laser non -professional people.

Performing a laser process by non -professional individuals increases the likelihood of laser wavelength absorption by melanin, which ultimately causes laser effects.

5 Cause of skin darkening after laser hair removal

The cause of skin darkening after laser hair removal may be related to the use of older devices. The laser operator in beauty centers minimizes the likelihood of blurry, burns and even itching of the skin by choosing the least painful laser device for people and depending on the skin type or body color. The darkening of the skin after laser is an important reason.

  • Bronze and sunburn before laser.
  • Inappropriate dose of laser radiation.
  • Skin allergies.
  • Take some skin medications such as rakutan.
  • Use the freshener before performing laser hair removal.

Bronze and sunbathing before laser, the first reason for skin darkening after laser hair removal

According to specialist doctors, people who want to laser body should refrain from bronze and sunbathing at least 2 weeks.

Bronze increases the risk of skin burns due to laser and it is possible to darken the skin when tanning without sun and solarium. Sunshine (solarium) and laser are two completely contrasting methods with many disadvantages.

Solarium makes the skin sensitive and vulnerable, so laser on sensitive and vulnerable skin is completely irrational! After the laser skin, the laser should also be avoided for at least 2 weeks.

Laser skin darkness with inappropriate dose of laser radiation

Diagnosis of the most appropriate laser dose for the person at the discretion of the physician. In fact, the inappropriate dose of laser radiation increases the risk of burns and darkening of the laser skin.

By examining the type of skin, your doctor chooses the most appropriate and painful laser to laser.

For example, the use of a Ruby laser is not recommended for people with dark or tanned skin. Ruby laser is one of the relatively old methods that can have an inappropriate effect on the skin of the body later.

In addition, the number of laser shots in one area is also important and if it eats more than 1 to 2 direct shots in one area, it will be able to burn.

Skin allergies

Although laser complications are usually short and temporary, people with skin allergies can experience long -term complications on their body if they do laser without consulting your doctor.

Creating white or brown spots is one of the most important effects of laser for sensitive skin. It should be remembered that laser hair removal may cause dry skin, swelling, redness or even skin pigments.

Complications that are short -lived, but they are directly related to the type of laser and the appropriate or inadequate skin type.

Use the freshener before performing laser hair removal

It is forbidden to use anything that stimulates the body’s skin before laser hair removal. Armpit spray can cause this skin irritation. When using the spray, the area should be thoroughly washed with appropriate shampoo or detergent before performing the laser.

Taking some skin medications such as racotan causes skin darkening after laser

It is forbidden to take some skin medications such as racutan or the use of skin peels at least 6 months before lasering the body. Also, rejuvenation, endolift, eyepotherapy or micronidling are prohibited at least a few days before and after the laser.

Contrary to some people, taking skin medications such as Rocutan Roccutane has no positive effect on increasing the speed of hair removal. These drugs, especially ROACCUTANE, are mainly used to prevent pimples or acne on the skin.

How to prevent darkening and burns after laser

How to prevent darkening and burns after laser?

Understanding the methods of preventing skin darkness and treating it after laser, including the use of inappropriate dose of laser or the selection of an inappropriate device for the skin type, can prevent darkness, stain or burns.

If the laser applicant observes the tips before laser hair removal, it can prevent post -laser burns and skin damage.

Not exposure to sunlight and consuming large amounts of water are other ways to prevent skin darkening after laser.

How to cure the darkening and burns of the post -laser skin?

Although prevention is always better than treatment, there are also effective ways to relieve burns and darkening of the skin if the skin is darkened after the laser.

The use of skin lightening gels, lotions, creams and anti -stain shampoos (with a physician prescribed) is one of the strategies for treating post -laser skin darkening. It should be remembered that people with skin eczema, infection, pimples or herpes are not a good candidate for laser.

In severe cases, at the discretion of the doctor, mesotherapy, laser stain or skin PRPs may be used to eliminate burns or darkening of the skin after laser hair removal.


Laser gives the hair follicles a definite wavelength to the hair follicles. The skin tissue generally does not damage these wavelengths and only burns hair follicles. Therefore, lasering in general (more than 5 % of cases) does not cause discoloration, burns or darkness of the skin.

Of course, the skin’s skin (some areas) may be lighted after laser, but the darkening of the skin after laser hair removal occurs only due to the burns of the skin caused by non -professional laser. The Golden Royal Clinic by providing laser hair removal services with the best professional devices by trained and expert technicians under the supervision of a dermatologist, a dermatologist, guarantees laser without injury and burns.