Bad oral and dental habits cause the loss of healthy teeth. Brushing your teeth keeps your teeth safe.
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Bad oral and dental habits
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Ten Bad oral and dental habits
Bad oral and dental habits There are some bad habits that are bad for your teeth. Most people do these things every day and every night without even being aware of them or the effect it has on their oral health. Identifying habits that cause damage to the mouth can help you save a lot of dental and orthodontic costs.
Bad oral and dental habits
Nail biting
Nail biting is known as an unconscious habit, which means that a person often repeats it without even being aware of what they are doing. Nail biting is somewhat common, especially in children. But it becomes a problem when done too often. Vigorous nail biting can lead to damage to the teeth and gums, and if the nail particles are accidentally swallowed, they can damage the stomach lining. In addition, nail biting can introduce bacteria into the body that will lead to disease.
Bad oral and dental habits
Brushing hard
In general, brushing is a good habit. But applying too much pressure while brushing, along with using a too hard toothbrush, can cause the loss of the protective tooth enamel. Dentists have estimated that between 10% and 20% of the world’s population have damaged their teeth and gums as a result of brushing too hard. Strong signs and symptoms of brushing include receding gums, worn and missing spots on the teeth, or cavities at the base or root of the tooth.
Bad oral and dental habits
Grinding teeth
Most people probably grind their teeth together from time to time, especially when they are nervous. But when teeth grinding happens often, the teeth can be damaged. Most teeth grinding happens at night and as a result of a problematic bite or crooked teeth. A telltale sign of nighttime teeth grinding is a dull, persistent headache or jaw pain upon waking.
Eating sweet snacks
Most people consume three times the amount of sugar allowed by doctors during the day. This constant eating of snacks and soft drinks can leave a layer of acidic film on the teeth, which causes the teeth and gums to corrode, and will lead to bad breath.
Chewing ice
There are many myths about what chewing ice can mean. Doctors suspect that this habit may be related to iron deficiency, but the connection is still unclear. However, constant ice chewing can erode tooth enamel, and there’s also the risk of cracking or fracturing a tooth (and requiring fillings or crowns).
Using teeth as tools
Have you ever opened a bag of chips with your teeth? Or did you tear off the tag on your clothes with your teeth? For some reason, when a person does not have access to buy anything, they may turn to using their teeth as tools. But this can easily cause your teeth to become cracked or filled, and alternatives may not be very helpful.
drinking alcohol
People who are dependent on alcohol have more plaque on their teeth and are three times more likely to lose their permanent teeth. This is most likely because alcohol dries out the mouth, preventing saliva from cleaning the mouth and killing bacteria.
“Tobacco” consumption includes smoking and chewing tobacco. Needless to say, there are many reasons to quit smoking. But breaking the habit is incredibly difficult, but some people turn to prescription drugs, therapies, hypnosis, and other expensive treatments to break the habit. One of the symptoms that make it necessary to quit this habit are oral problems: bad breath, bleeding gums, burning mouth and/or throat, yellowing of teeth. Basically, any part of the mouth that comes into contact with smoke is at risk.
Chewing objects
Most people probably have a habit of chewing the tip of their pencil or pen or the tip of their glasses when thinking about something. If this work is done occasionally, there is a slight risk; But when it becomes a regular habit, the possibility of tooth filling also increases. Objects may also contain germs that cause disease or infection in the mouth.
not brushing
Surprisingly, few websites mention that lack of proper oral care is one of the biggest bad oral habits. People often neglect to brush their teeth if they stay up late, are out for fun, or while traveling. But there are also times when people are more likely to enjoy their coffee, tea, wine, and sugary snacks… all things that can stain or erode teeth if brushing is not done properly.
Consequences of Bad oral and dental habits
If you have one of these bad habits, you probably have others. This complicates the issue. Although one bad habit won’t harm your teeth if done occasionally, several bad habits can combine to cause real problems. for example:
- Bad Breath
- dry mouth
- gum disease
- Loss of teeth
- Oral ulcers
- oral cancer
- Tooth Decay
- Corrosion of teeth
- Tooth sensitivity and toothache
- Unattractive smile