In this article, we discuss the causes of loose teeth, its effects, and the measures that can be taken to fix this problem. Reasons for loose permanent teeth.
Some physical signs and symptoms in the mouth and teeth can be warning signs of more serious problems in your oral health or general health. One of these signs is loose teeth. In this article, we discuss the causes of loose teeth, its effects, and the measures that can be taken to fix this problem.
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Reasons for loose permanent teeth
The following factors are often responsible for loosening one or more teeth in adults:
1- Gum disease
Gum diseases are one of the main causes of permanent teeth loosening. Diseases such as gum abscess (gum pocket), gingivitis, and periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues around the teeth and gums) can destroy the tissues around the teeth and weaken the gums as a result. Weakening gums will cause loose teeth. Some common symptoms of gum disease are:
- Red, painful or swollen gums
- Bleeding gums while brushing
- Receding gums
- Change in the placement and position of the teeth
2- Injury and damage to teeth
A severe blow to the tooth may cause a fracture in the tooth structure. If the fracture is severe, the tooth may be completely loose. Also, teeth grinding during sleep can be another reason for damage to teeth and their loosening.
3- pregnancy
During pregnancy, the level of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone increases. Increased levels of hormones change the periodontium (a collection of bones and ligaments that protect and hold the teeth in place). When the periodontium is affected, one or more teeth may become loose.
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Ways to prevent loose teeth
- Brush your teeth twice a day.
- Floss once a day.
- Do not smoke.
- Visit the dentist at short intervals for examination and scaling of the teeth.
- Use a dental guard when playing or doing some sports.
- Get calcium and vitamin D supplements from your doctor to prevent osteoporosis.
- Control your diabetes.
- Avoid taking drugs that are effective in loosening teeth.
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Can a loose tooth be fixed again?
Yes, loose teeth can harden over time. If your tooth is slightly loose due to an injury, it will naturally harden after the root heals and the passage of time. But if your tooth is very loose and moves even with a small touch, it is better to see a dentist.
Depending on the extent of the damage, the dentist can use a temporary or permanent splint to fix the loose tooth. Then, using a splint, the loose tooth is attached to the healthy teeth on its sides until it is completely fixed.
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Treatments for loose teeth
Dentists offer several new treatments for replacing teeth, including:
1- Implant:
A dental implant is used to fill the space of a missing or missing tooth. In this method, a metal screw or nut (usually titanium) is placed in the jawbone as a tooth root. After a certain period of time, a dental prosthesis is connected to the implant and improves its strength and function.
2- Artificial tooth or dental prosthesis:
Artificial teeth or dental prosthesis refers to artificial teeth that are used to replace natural teeth that are lost or damaged. These teeth are made of artificial materials such as plastic, ceramic or first grade metals.
Artificial teeth can be partial and replace one or more teeth, or total and replace all rows of teeth. The purpose of using artificial teeth is to improve the appearance and function of the teeth, as well as to maintain the health of the mouth and jaw.
3- Dental bridge or bridge:
A dental bridge is also a suitable option for replacing missing teeth. Dental bridge is used for people who do not have the possibility to use implants for all teeth or for those who do not have the necessary financial ability to do implants.
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Home remedies for loose teeth
The treatment methods suggested below can be used to tighten loose teeth.
1- Coconut oil:
Coconut oil has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties that can help improve the condition of teeth and gums.
Put a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for 12 to 15 minutes. Note that you keep the oil in your mouth and do not swallow it.
2- Amla powder:
One of the very good methods for treating loose teeth at home is using amla powder. To use this method, just pour a teaspoon of this powder in a cup of water and use it as a mouthwash and do this every day until your teeth are hardened.
3- Garlic:
Garlic has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and is useful in controlling oral infections and treating loose teeth. You can put some garlic cloves on your affected gums and teeth every day.
4- Salt and mustard oil:
Mix mustard oil and salt in proper proportion to make a paste. Then apply this paste on your damaged gums and teeth. In the initial days, you can use this paste two to three times a day and then reduce the number of times of use over time, until it reaches once a day.
5- Turmeric and pepper:
Using a mixture of turmeric and black pepper can help stabilize your loose teeth. By mixing an equal amount of these two ingredients and rubbing it on your teeth, you can strengthen your teeth and improve gum problems.
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When should we see a doctor?
If your tooth is loose or fractured due to an impact, or you suffer from gum diseases such as gingivitis, bleeding, inflammation of the tissues around the tooth and periodontitis, which caused the tooth to become loose or displaced, as soon as possible See a dentist.
What is the cause of loosening of denervated teeth?
One of the common symptoms after tooth extraction is sensitivity in the tooth. Tooth sensitivity may make you feel like your tooth is loose. This feeling is normal and indicates that your nerves are still active.
This condition usually lasts for a few days to a few weeks. During this time, be careful not to chew anything from that side of your mouth. Also, avoid chewing gum, toffee and other sticky substances.
You can gargle your mouth with salt water to reduce the sensitivity of the denervated tooth. If after a long time you still feel that your tooth is loose, be sure to visit your dentist soon.
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What is the cause of loose baby teeth in children?
When the permanent tooth comes in the upper jaw, the baby tooth eventually falls out and the permanent tooth replaces it. Sometimes a milk tooth is loose due to an impact on the child’s tooth, in which case, you should visit the child’s dentist. The dentist examines the tooth and prevents infection or damage to the permanent tooth.
What is the cause of loose permanent teeth in children?
Loose permanent teeth of a child may happen for several reasons:
- Grinding teeth: Grinding teeth occurs when the teeth are exposed to strong wear forces without any specific disease. Sometimes the pressure on the teeth is normal, but due to bone weakness and separation from the gum tissue, the teeth feel a lot of pressure and stress, which aggravates the injury process.
- Gum disease: due to not observing oral and dental hygiene, plaque accumulates on the tooth over time and mass forms on the surface of the root of the tooth. Finally, it weakens the connection between the teeth and the gums. Loose teeth are the last sign of injury.