facelift surgery

Significant facts on Facelift Surgery

What is a Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery that can reverse the symptoms of aging in the face.

This may minimize sagging or folding of the skin on the cheeks, nasolabial folds, around the mouth and jaw.

A neck lift is often paired with a facelift to remove sagging skin or fat deposits from the neck, producing an overall younger appearance.

An enhancement or series of changes made to the building or area to make it look more attractive.

How long does a Facelift Surgery take?

It usually takes between two and four hours, but can take longer if other cosmetic procedures are performed at the same time.

A small tube can be inserted under the skin behind one or both of your ears to remove any excess blood or fluid.

 Facelift Surgery

What are some benefits of this Surgery?

  • Tightens the skin around the cheeks and the chin.
  • Remove deep creases and lines around your nose, mouth and chin (nasolabial folds, marionette lines)
  • Refine the contour of jawline
  • Long-lasting outcomes
  • Address various signs of ageing
  • Look younger and refreshed
  • Can be combined with several procedures to further boost outcomes

What is the best age to have a face lift?

On average, you should be between 35 and 65 years of age for this surgery, with an ideal age of about 45 to 50 years.
The aim of facelift procedures is to preserve and enhance the face, so that the faster the symptoms of aging are treated, the easier and longer the results can be achieved.

facelift surgery

Are you ready for a facelift surgery?

If you are in good general health, have reasonable goals, and have a positive mindset, you might be ready for a facelift. Healthy candidates often find that their faces make them look older than they are or older than they feel. There are several signs that can decide if you are a successful candidate for this surgery:

  • Your face has changed shape due to ageing or weight loss.
  • You have obvious laxity of your lips, nasolabial folds, areas around your mouth, and jaw.
  • You’ve got excess skin along the jawline
  • You want to regain a youthful-looking appearance.
  • Your skin is sagging or you have extra fat in your belly (this procedure will include a neck lift)
  • You want normal, long-lasting results