Front tooth denervation
Front tooth denervation is one of the most important and specialized types of dental surgeries. Anterior teeth are among the teeth that are of great importance to preserve and maintain because of their deep roots in the jaw and also in terms of visibility and the effect they give to a smile. During denervation of the front tooth, the inflamed or infected pulp (dental nerve) is removed from the tooth and its place is filled with biocompatible materials.
Read More : Root Canal Treatment Dubai .
Other treatments : dental treatment in Dubai.
Table of Contents
Why does a tooth need nerve denervation?
Toothache can have various causes, in some of these cases it is necessary to perform nerve denervation(Front tooth denervation), such as:
- Extensive tooth decay.
- Large old tooth fillings.
- Cracks in teeth.
- Severe dental wear.
- Dental nerve infection.
- Tooth abscess.
When is front tooth denervation necessary?
What is commonly known as tooth decay is usually inflammation caused by extensive dental(Front tooth denervation) caries. The toothache that has reached the nerve is usually throbbing and unbearable:
1- Toothache at night is usually one of its obvious symptoms. A toothache that has reached the nerve does not get relieved without taking painkillers and sometimes it does not get relieved even with taking painkillers. This pain is so annoying that it cannot be removed without visiting a dentist.
2- One of the symptoms of tooth decay is tooth sensitivity to cold. If by drinking cold water, your toothache starts and continues annoyingly for half an hour or an hour, and sometimes you need to take painkillers to relieve the toothache.
3- Another symptom that indicates that the tooth needs a root canal is sensitivity to heat. This case 100% indicates an infected tooth that needs denervation and root canal(Front tooth denervation).
4- In many cases, the tooth does not hurt at all, and the dentist realizes only by observing the patient’s x-ray that the decay is so extensive(Front tooth denervation) that there is a possibility that the nerve of the tooth may open during grinding.
5- Sometimes the patient’s tooth has been in severe pain for a while and the pain has improved and the person thinks that the tooth has recovered, while the nerve of the tooth has been destroyed and the tooth is actually infected.
How is front tooth denervation done?
How to denerve the front tooth(Front tooth denervation) is always one of the questions of most patients. Why does no one see what the dentist is doing on his teeth during nerve extraction? And they are always worried about how to perform this denervation, that’s why we try to give you a mental picture of the stages of denervation:
1- The dentist after examining the radiograph of the tooth, in which he shows us the extent of the root and the extent of decay and the presence or absence of lesions around the root, and it has nothing to do with the photo of the dental nerve. The patient anesthetizes himself.
2- Removing caries and preparing a hole to access the tooth nerve.
3- Determining the length of the root, which is done with the help of apex finder device or with the help of radiography.
4- Cleaning the tooth canal with the help of manual or rotary files.
5- Drying the canal and making sure of the length of the root.
6- Filling tooth root canals.
This is a general method and a summary of the steps that the dentist uses for denervation(Front tooth denervation).
Why is it important to clean and fill the root canal?
After removing the tooth pulp, the dentist cleans and enlarges the root canal so that he can easily fill it. The root canal is usually very narrow and it is difficult to fill it. This place is filled with a series of small files. It enlarges the root and gives it a shape so that it can fill them easily.
This part of the denervation treatment(Front tooth denervation) may take several hours to complete and may require more than one session. Front teeth and canines usually have one root and one canal. Premolar and molar teeth have 2 or 3 canals in their roots. For teeth with more roots and more canals, the treatment may take longer.
If the root canal treatment requires more than a few sessions, your dentist may put a small amount of medicine in the cleaned canal to kill the remaining bacteria, and then the tooth is closed with a temporary filling.
If you develop symptoms of infection such as high temperature or large swelling, your dentist may give you antibiotics to manage and prevent further infection. All these steps must be done with care and importance, failure to act correctly in any of these steps can cause failure of the denervation process and repeat the root canal treatment.
Can pregnant women do nerve removal?
There are many times when pregnant women go to dental centers with severe pain. Most of these teeth need root canal treatment(Front tooth denervation). But due to the wrong view of the patients (unfortunately dentists are also forced to comply with it), many centers refuse to provide services to pregnant women, especially in the first and third trimesters.
The truth is that denervation treatment(Front tooth denervation) can be done for normal pregnant women throughout pregnancy. However, it is preferred that these treatments take place in the second trimester.
What is the most important problem of front tooth denervation?
Fracture of denervated tooth is one of the common side effects of front tooth denervation. The reason for breaking these teeth can be diverse. From the weakening of the tooth due to the removal of a large amount of tooth tissue that is caused by decay and… Removed until the tooth is dry because it is not alive.
How many sessions is nerve removal done?
The number of dental denervation sessions does not increase or decrease the success or failure of the denervation treatment. The number of sessions may be determined based on many factors, the clinical judgment and clinical decision of the dentist being the most important factor in determining the number of sessions. Sometimes the dentist has to perform denervation in more than one or even more than two sessions to increase the success of the treatment; But treatments of more than two sessions are not very common.
Also, depending on the type of denervation work, the type of tooth and other specialized factors that make the denervation of a tooth more difficult or easier, denervation treatment can be long or short. It is normal and not unexpected to spend about an hour sitting on the dentist’s unit for one of the root canal treatment sessions. But note that it is not possible to accurately predict the time required for root canal treatment.