
hair loss

What is the cause of hair loss?

Follicles form the base of hair, and blood vessels are responsible for feeding hair follicle cells and delivering hormones that control hair growth and structure. It is worth noting that hair growth happens in three different stages, starting from growth; phase, transition phase and then rest phase. In this article, in addition to the problems …

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Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata hair loss

Alopecia areata is a condition in which hair begins to fall out in patches. These pieces are connected to each other and gradually expands. Finally, the affected person may experience baldness all over the head, face and body. Now that you understand how unpleasant and chronic alopecia can be, you should know its symptoms, causes …

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hair care routines

Universal hair care routines

In this article, we introduce you to 7 basic and precise hair care routines. Take care of your hair by following a hair care routines. Hair care routines A hair care routines typically involves a combination of practices and products that are designed to promote healthy hair and prevent damage. Here are some common steps …

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