serenity medical clinic

The 5 top facing laser therapies and how your skin can be helped

The 5 top facing laser therapies and how your skin can be helped


Facial Treatment Dubai


To Insta-Glow Your Skin:

Laser Genesis is known as one of the best cosmetic methods for lunch, as it only takes approximately fifteen minutes to get out of the dermatology office. This “super facial” uses a 1064 nm wavelength to gently heat the dermis and remove any diffuse redness, making it great for those with rosacea. Its also boosts the production of collagen to remove fine lines and wrinkles, giving the complexion a beautiful glow. There is no downtime and no commitment to Laser Genesis!

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To Rid the Acne Scars:

Acne scars are a complexion-destroying reminder of ugly acne bouts. Pimples are bad enough, but once a scar is formed out of them, you know that you have trouble in your hands. Acne scars are notoriously hard to hide and can be distracted from your beautiful brown eyes or your juicy full lips. This laser is best suited to deep acne scars—the kind that’s pitted and impossible to cover up. This type of face laser will poke teeny tiny holes into the deepest layer of the skin to regenerate the growth of collagen and fill the areas of tissue loss due to acne scars.

Sun Damage Removal:

Brown spots from too much sun have a way to really ruin a gorgeous complexion. We’re not talking about the cute smattering of freckles, but the jagged pigmentation marks where the sun had its way to your skin. We love IPL to get rid of the suckers. This is targeting melanin in dark spots. They flake off after a few days and reveal a perfectly even and gorgeous complexion.

Instead of facelifting:

The Fraxel Laser is a powerful force in the rejuvenating category of complexion. The best in class for wrinkle removal, crow’s foot treatment, sun damage removal and overall skin rejuvenation is the Fraxel Repair laser. Yes, there’s some downtime with Fraxel, but after a few days looking like you’ve had a sunburn, your skin will look 10 years younger, tighter and completely refreshed.

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To Zap Broken Blood Vessel:

You’ll want to rely on a vascular laser like a pulsed dye laser when you try to banish broken blood vessels and broken capillaries from your face. The good news is that pulsed dye its do not require pain management and have zero downtime. These types of lasers use yellow light to heat the skin very gently and destroy the blood vessels while leaving any surrounding skin untouched.